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- Dayal V.
- Wyatt Robertson
- Weda Charya
- Jnana Brumha
- Gerhard Wohlberg
- Ren Shengli
- Robin Nelson

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Q: Is it possible for a person (particularly a Christian) to convert to Hinduism and if so, how do they go about doing it?
A: Is this possible? From the teachings of Jesus and the Bible it is definitely a possibility! An interesting question is, “Is it possible for someone who does not believe in Jesus or who does not want to follow Jesus wholeheartedly to remain a Christian?” The answer is a definite “No.” Jesus never offers any basis for constraining a person to follow him. His invitation is always based upon an invitation. For example in John 7:37 He says, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.” In fact, it is quite impossible for someone to be a Christian apart from the complete and full assent. No one can be born a Christian or constrained to be a Christian. Though there may be people who try to constrain people, they would be wrong. Jesus is very careful to ensure that people do not follow him for surface and shallow reasons. He speaks very strongly to ensure that people understand this. For example in Matthew 16 he says, “If anyone would follow after me, let him take up his cross daily.” What He is saying is that a person must have such confidence and love for Jesus that he would be willing to lay his life down daily for Jesus. It is hard to imagine a person doing this who does not want to follow Jesus.
It may surprise some people to hear this, but it is impossible to be born a Christian. Being a Christian is a matter of conviction and of assent through the mind and the will. If someone does not assent fully and freely to following Jesus, he is not truly a disciple of Jesus. The reason is that it takes the assent of a person’s mind and will to follow Jesus. This also shatters the myth of a geographical religious idea of Christianity. Some Hindus think that Christianity is American or European. The mere idea that a group of people could be Christian by being born in a certain place is completely contrary to the teachings of Jesus.
Now there are certainly Christians who would want to speak to people and ask them to consider following Jesus. There is strong reason in the teachings of Jesus that would make Christians want to explain their beliefs and attempt to win the minds of people to Him. Christians will want to reason with people and to ask people to consider Him. But there still remains the truth that no can ever force a person to be a Christian and no one should ever even try!
How should a person pursue converting? Rather than giving you a ritual or external answer, the best way has everything to do with your mind and your will. Pursue whatever it true and admirable, excellent and noble, right and pure. Pursue these things with wisdom and intelligence.

- Wyatt Robertson

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