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Q: Sir, Why don''t people in general accept the sacrifice of Jesus as the fulfillment of the Vedic law?
A: KDV Prasad,
The Vedas do demonstrate there is a need for some kind of sacrifice容ither to appease the gods, to feed the gods (Rig 1.127.8), or to obtain their favor (Rig 1.107.1).
The requirements of this sacrifice and the reason for this sacrifice are the issues. The requirement of the sacrifices of the Vedas is said to be completed and fulfilled and attain its purpose when food or an animal is sacrificed. This completion of purpose is tied to the reason for the sacrifice and its requirement. It is to gain some favor of the gods, to gain a portion of merit, or to get a request granted.
In Hinduism葉here are also other paths to gain merit. The Vedic path is the path of ritual. There is also the path of yoga or jnana or asceticism or the devotion of bhakti. Each of these ways of gaining merit or karma are viewed as valid paths to gain merit in Hinduism. This is because Hinduism views the gaining of merit as a sufficient purpose in life.
In contrast to this, the sacrifices of the Old Testament were deeper葉hey were for the sins of people. The Bible assumes that no man who has sinned can cover this over through his own merit, and certainly not through a ritual offering of food or the life of an animal. The requirement in the Old Testament was a blood sacrifice as a substitute, either a ram or a goat or a bull. This demonstration of the need for a sin offering and substitute for forgiveness was demonstrated in multiple ways葉hrough the Passover lamb, through the scape goat and through the need of individuals to offer sin offerings. They were always bloody and included the loss of life. The yearly repetition of these sacrifices as a requirement showed that this sacrifice never really achieved its aim擁t was a temporary demonstration of the need for a perfect sacrifice to once and for all forgive sins. God requires the lifeblood of the man or woman who sins against Him. This type of need is not an option for a person. It is not something that only some people need, but all. There is not another way to gain this forgiveness. This is what Jesus came to fulfill葉he need of a sin offering. He offered himself once and for all as a substitute sin offering on the cross for any who would believe in Him. He did not come to offer Himself as a way to simply gain a little favor with God, or to get a request granted or to feed God something He needed.
I hope this helps to explain the purpose of the life and death of Jesus Christ.
Wyatt, for Karma to Grace

- Wyatt Robertson

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